They call me Sleeve

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Trend Setter

This years motto:


This all stems from Christmas. KT got me an awesome Camelbak and a new Nalgene. So, it was almost like subconciously she was trying to tell me maybe I needed to work on my water intake (which I agree with). So, we joked that this was going to be the theme of the year...STAY HYDRATED.

I think I am going to try to take this STAY HYDRATED catchphrase one step further. I want to make it a trend/fad. I think it should be on t-shirts, on billboards, in Superbowl commercials, in song lyrics...stuff like that. I think it should even become like a new farewell statement. For example..."OK man, well it was good to see you. Stay Hydrated!!!"

You wait...its going to be awesome ;-)

Monday, January 15, 2007

A friend sent me this quote in an email

"While watching a football game a couple weeks back, my wife and I were discussing life and death.

I told her, 'Just so you know, I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.'

She promptly got up, unplugged the TV and threw out all my beer.

I hate being married to a smartass."

Thursday, January 11, 2007


So, this morning I woke up at the time I was supposed to be at work...OOPPS. Its no big deal really. We pretty much make our own schedules anyways (which is really nice). The problem has been that I am so freekin tired. All day long, I have been fighting this urge to crawl under my desk and take a nap. I think its because I didn't get to take my time and actually wake up this morning. It was a mad rush to get ready as fast as I could. No good. I have learned my lesson. Even if I am unbelievably late...I'm taking my time. No more rushing for this kid.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A year ago

I am going to interview an intern, for this summer, today. It interesting to think that a year ago, that was me. I did this same thing about a year ago. It crazy to think about how much happens in a year.

The past years great accomplishments(in no order):
1. Took 21 hours the spring semester(and did very well)
2. Roped me in a fine lady to call my girlfriend
3. Moved to Columbia and started my internship
4. Graduated from Clemson
5. Spent 3 weeks in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park where I got chase by a Grizzly Bear
6. Started my first real job
7. Went to my first season of Clemson Football as an Alumnus
8. Spent 2 weeks in Ohio and New York
9. And now interviewing my own intern

Plus all the other stuff that I have thought of while I was writing this.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Near Miss

I had a near miss today. I almost didn't make the registration for the half marathon that I have been training for the past 5 weeks. But, luckily I called and talked really nicely to a lady that let me fax in two registration forms (one for Katie and one for me) and she was going to count them as mail-in's. Near miss.

By no means do I consider myself a runner. I have never liked it and thought I never would. But, the funny thing is, I really was disappointed when all this went down and I thought it wasn't going to happen. I never thought I would admit this but I think I am accually starting to enjoy this running thing a little.

Friday, January 05, 2007

The year in review

This is kinda cool.

I'll show you mine if you show me yours...

I got some new stuff that I have been holding out on. I know...I'm sorry. I get a little selfish sometimes. God and I are working on it together. Anyways, I have come across some new (at least new to me) good artists so I thought I would share for some of you music lovers out there.

This is in no particular order:

1. Snow Patrol (Just got it, but I'm quite pleased so far)
2. Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers (Cool sound)
3. Mindy Smith (Great voice and good lyrics too)
4. Little Big Town (Pretty main stream, but I like mountain music)
5. Corey Crowder (Good acoustics and song writing)
6. Celtic Women (You will feel like you're in a Disney movie)
7. Augustana (I've had this since summer, but it's still good)
8. Daughtry (Good rock power ballads)

Thursday, January 04, 2007


i mentioned how i was a part of a rootless generation in the previous post. what i ment by that is we are a generation totally afraid of commitment. we do it so that we are free to float where we wish and when we wish. we are also in search of the bigger and better deal. we might even be looking at the best option going and we are still scared and hesitant to say yes because there is a chance it might not be. getting people to commit to a date or time a week in advance is one of the hardest things to do in my job, i plan special events and trips for those of you who don't know. why is that? why are we a rootless generation? what made us this way?


So, I've decided that I don't like New Years resolutions very much. I don't see the point anymore. People don't keep them for over 2-3 weeks, so that tells me that people are making these decisions out of opportunity and not out of desire. Therefore, they are going to jump ship the first time its difficult or the first time they are tempted or the first time is just not convenient. And don't get me wrong, I'm one of these people. I am just as fleeting and rootless as the next person my age.

I do like the point of it though. I think it is important to try to improve on your current life situation, no matter where you are. There isn't a whole lot of good in staying stagnant. I personally like the way a preacher on the radio that I heard recently say it. It went something like this..."LADIES, If he don't work. Don't feed 'em. I mean, he can do somethin. He can wash your car or rake the lawn or somethin."

Here are some things that I am interested in improving upon in my life:

I want to love the Lord a lot better
I want to worrying about the time less
I want to meet more local people
I want to learn to play the guitar
I want to be more adventurous
I want to find someplace locally that I can escape to every once in awhile
I want to learn how to be a better cook for one
and many others....

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Newness/Oldness in the 07

New stuff is great. New times in life are fun. New friends are refreshing and exciting. New car smell is unmistakable and delicious. Newness is a pretty great concept all around. Therefore, a new year, I think, is nice. It's 07 and so far it's been a good one.

On the other hand though, don't forget about the old. Oldness is also so good. Old t-shirts are so confortable. Old cars are so cool. Old friends are so close. Old souls are great to encounter and are so encouraging.