They call me Sleeve

Friday, January 05, 2007

I'll show you mine if you show me yours...

I got some new stuff that I have been holding out on. I know...I'm sorry. I get a little selfish sometimes. God and I are working on it together. Anyways, I have come across some new (at least new to me) good artists so I thought I would share for some of you music lovers out there.

This is in no particular order:

1. Snow Patrol (Just got it, but I'm quite pleased so far)
2. Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers (Cool sound)
3. Mindy Smith (Great voice and good lyrics too)
4. Little Big Town (Pretty main stream, but I like mountain music)
5. Corey Crowder (Good acoustics and song writing)
6. Celtic Women (You will feel like you're in a Disney movie)
7. Augustana (I've had this since summer, but it's still good)
8. Daughtry (Good rock power ballads)


  • Little Big Town's song, "Bring it home" is quite pimp.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1/05/2007 12:39 PM  

  • 1. Snow Patrol is delightful.
    2. I used to dig Stephen Kellogg a lot when I first found him, but for some reason stopped listening to him.
    3. Mindy Smith's "Long Island Shores" you will soon have and it is AMAZING - way better than her first CD in my opinion.
    4. Little Big Town - QUITE pimp as JT stated.
    5. Corey Crowder - haven't heard much of him, but he wasn't too shabby
    6. Celtic Women - is interesting
    7. Augustana - good stuff - I'm kinda selfish and don't want them to go mainstream, but they are good, and they deserve recognition
    8. Daughtry - the only American Idol person that I have ever actually thought "I'd buy his/her CD"

    the end. :-D

    By Blogger Katie, at 1/05/2007 5:05 PM  

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