They call me Sleeve

Thursday, January 04, 2007


So, I've decided that I don't like New Years resolutions very much. I don't see the point anymore. People don't keep them for over 2-3 weeks, so that tells me that people are making these decisions out of opportunity and not out of desire. Therefore, they are going to jump ship the first time its difficult or the first time they are tempted or the first time is just not convenient. And don't get me wrong, I'm one of these people. I am just as fleeting and rootless as the next person my age.

I do like the point of it though. I think it is important to try to improve on your current life situation, no matter where you are. There isn't a whole lot of good in staying stagnant. I personally like the way a preacher on the radio that I heard recently say it. It went something like this..."LADIES, If he don't work. Don't feed 'em. I mean, he can do somethin. He can wash your car or rake the lawn or somethin."

Here are some things that I am interested in improving upon in my life:

I want to love the Lord a lot better
I want to worrying about the time less
I want to meet more local people
I want to learn to play the guitar
I want to be more adventurous
I want to find someplace locally that I can escape to every once in awhile
I want to learn how to be a better cook for one
and many others....


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