They call me Sleeve

Friday, July 21, 2006

an interesting thought

in either a shane and shane, ross king, or andrew peterson song. i cant remember which one but one of them mentions that what Christ did on the cross really had little to do with us. which, at first, when i thought about this i was a little confused and a little upset because i thought Christ did what He did because He loved me that much (which is true. He does love you and me that much...God is love). but after a little thought it really makes a lot of sense and paints an accurate picture of God and His character. Christ's purpose on this earth is no different than our own purpose on bring God glory. that is why we are here. thats why the plants and animals are here. thats why the earth, planets, and stars are here...its all to bring God glory. Christ did die on the cross and did raise from the dead to take the sins of man onto himself, therefore anyone who trusts in Him will have a pathway to God through His blood. this was what He was doing. but if you take that one step further and look at it with the thought of why He wanted us to go to heaven (which heaven is to be with God. its the relationship with God)...the anwser is to bring God glory. you see, by us surrendering our lives and taking up our own crosses and following after Christ, God is gloified through our relationships and actions. He is glorified through us living a life that is forever pointing toward Him, saying this is why i am the way i am. and we can only do that with a relationship with Him. therefore, ultimatly the cross really had little to do with us and everything to do with God.

i like this thought. it helps me to understand how big God is, which im not all that good at. mostly, i am good at seeing God as a close savior and counselor. so i guess that means i relate more to the Son and Holy Spirit. but this thought helps me to understand the Father a little better.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

So much has changed much has changed in my life. I've had a lot of time to think this week with my roommate gone and the appartment to myself.

If anyone was to tell me that I would be living in city, especially a state capital, when I graduated from high school. I would have done everything in my power to not let that happen. I am not a city person, at all. Never have been. But here I am, city livin. And giving it my best. Nothing has still a country boy but I am warming up to it. Slowly but surely.

I also have said I could never do another long distance relationship. They are too hard and I am not good at it. But here I am, in a long distance relationship. Its going really well though. We make it work. There are times when we think its not fair and it sucks, but we stick it out and really enjoy the moments we have together. We seem to think that the other person is worth that extra little bit it requires to date in different cities. Not to mention she's hot.

Lastly, Im finally not a college student anymore. Which I know a lot of you folks thought would never happen. But its true. I am living the life of a real adult. Thats scary and great all at the same time. I had a nice little comfort zone that I created for myself up at Clemson. All that is gone now. I am starting over in a land where nothing is given and everything is earned (except Gods grace and goodness. We could never earn that). And so far...I like this big bad scary world. Im learning a lot.

I think its good to look back everyonce in awhile. I dont think you can know the direction your heading without knowing where you started. So, here is your task. Take the time to stop and think. Go to your spot (the mountains, the boats, the car rides, the showers, the beaches, the music, the whatever it takes) and just be and let it all fall back into your mind again. All the memories and experiances, the good and the bad. And let it fill your heart and mind until you appriciate the journey you have travelled.

I dont know...that just what I like to do.