This is not worth reading
so, i am sitting here in my room, listening to some music and a song comes on that i enjoy. it mentions crying in the song and that sparked some questions. why tears from your eyes? why not snot from your nose? why not ear wax from your ears? then i took it one step further and started thinking about smiles and laughter. why dont our legs shake when we are happy like dogs do? after long deliberation, all by myself, i declare the answer is that i dont know. i guess that just the way God wants us to be and so thats the way He made us. God...You are a tricky one.
My leg shakes when I get excited - just mention some good Duke's barbeque around me and watch nature take hold.
Anonymous, at 5/17/2006 11:14 PM
I read this and the only thing I could come up with is that you miss need your mischief finding, ice cream dining, movie watching friend in me!
A.J., at 5/19/2006 12:03 PM
that is no lie aj. i dont know what i have done without you. we were like lilo and stitch...starsky and hutch...ben and get the idea, close.
Mark "Sleeve" Smyers, at 5/19/2006 7:16 PM
Yes, yes yes.....SLAP HANDS!!!
A.J., at 5/21/2006 11:02 AM
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